
There are currently two official committees at The Brownstones of Park Potomac. Their descriptions are below:

Architectural Review Board (ARB)

On behalf of the Brownstones community, the Architectural Review Board (ARB) reviews and approves, modifies or declines to approve all proposed changes, replacements and improvements to the exterior of the Brownstones townhouses. The ARB considers applications from homeowners and makes its decisions in accordance with the Brownstones HOA’s Declaration of Covenants and the ARB’s architectural guidelines.

The ARB Chair and members shall be appointed by the Brownstones HOA Board for a term of one year, renewable annually with the consent of the member and the HOA Board.

A detailed description of the ARB’s responsibilities can be found in the Declaration of Covenants, Article III, Section 4, “The Architectural Review Board.”

Landscaping Committee

The Landscaping Committee exercises oversight over the HOA’s landscaping and snow removal contractor on the Board’s behalf, seeks and receives the contractor’s recommendations on landscaping changes, improvements and replacements and makes recommendations to the Board on proposals submitted by the contractor.

Working within its Board-approved budget, this committee’s main objective is to maintain and, where needed, sustain and improve the beauty of the community’s landscaping through recommendations to the HOA Board and supervision of the landscaping contractor. Committee members do not have approval authority; they present all landscaping proposals to the HOA Board for approval, including each proposal’s cost and impact on the annual Board-approved landscaping budget.

The Landscaping Committee Chair and members shall be appointed for a term of one year, renewable annually with the consent of the member and the HOA Board.

Interested in joining one of these committees?

Please click the link below to download and review the application to serve on either the ARB or Lanscaping committee:

Application to Serve on the ARB and/or Landscaping Committee